How Can The Government Help Prevent Basement Flooding?

ashworth drainage government prevent basement flooding

When your basement floods, you don’t have to fix it alone. Many municipal governments have programs designed to help homeowners with flooded basements, and this includes the City of London! But the biggest job they have is keeping larger drainage systems working, and this starts with the sewers.


Sewer Flushing

Most government help comes from cleaning and maintaining the drainage infrastructure they control, which is the sewers. It’s up to the city to keep the sewers that connect all property owners clean and obstruction-free, which is why they flush the sewers. 

The municipality has large trucks that force water through the pipes to remove any blockages and debris build-up that could affect the integrity of a homeowner’s basement. The City flushes the sewer in sections to keep the whole system flowing smoothly. They say that they flush more than 1000 kilometres every year!


Flow Monitoring

It’s not enough to flush the sewers – they have to be monitored, too. The municipality keeps the underground pipes clear using flow monitoring. London installed sensors in sewers throughout the city to record the amount of flow in the sewers. Municipal staff then analyze this data to see what level the flow is during wet weather events, such as a rainstorm, as well as during dry weather situations.  

By keeping an eye on the sewers, workers can determine when and where there is an irregular amount of flow. If they find an abnormality, the staff will investigate further. This is a very helpful way to get real-life data instead of relying on technical design to make decisions that affect thousands of property owners.

Most of the ways the government prevents basement flooding are by maintaining proper city drainage so that no water affects basements from the inside. But many cities also offer programs that can get rid of water around your foundation, too!


Grant Programs

The Basement Flooding Grant Program provides financial support so property owners can have sump pits, sump pumps, and backwater valves upgraded and installed. The program helps homeowners disconnect their weeping tiles from the City’s sewer systems; by doing this, property owners are decreasing their risk of basement flooding. London property owners must have experienced basement flooding or live in an area that could be prone to it to qualify. The property must also have weeping tiles that are directly connected to the sanitary or storm sewer.

The other major way London helps its citizens prevent basement flooding is through coordination and education. The City’s website is full of resources designed to inform Londoners about the common causes of basement flooding. You can also report flooding to help them determine flood-prone areas for the Basement Flooding Grant Program.

While the City foots much of the bill for these improvements, one of the criteria of the Grant Program is to hire a licensed plumber or drainage contractor to complete the job. Before bringing in the Ashworth experts to do the work, make sure you receive the grant approval in writing and have a liability release document ready. Contact us today for waterproofing services.