Must-Have Waterproofing Upgrades for Older Homes

Owning an older home can be a source of pride and joy, offering character and charm that newer homes simply can’t match. However, nestled within the nooks and crannies of its history are potential challenges, none more persistent and damaging than water intrusion. The reality is that, without the right defences, water has the uncanny…

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Basement Waterproofing Myths Debunked

Basements are susceptible to moisture infiltration, which can lead to a host of problems such as mold growth, structural damage, and reduced indoor air quality. As experts in basement waterproofing and foundation repair, Ashworth Drainage is dedicated to dispelling common myths surrounding basement waterproofing. In this blog, we’ll debunk prevalent misconceptions and provide accurate information…

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Why Are Window Well So Important?

Ashworth Window Well

Window wells are an important part of a home. They provide natural light and ventilation, which can help improve the overall air quality of your home. They also provide an escape route in the event of a fire or other emergency. If you’re considering adding a window well to your home, keep reading to learn…

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How Much Time Do You Have After Water Damage Before Mould Sets In?

Black Water damage Ashworth Drainage Wet basement Flooded Yard

Water coming into a basement doesn’t only damage the structure of a home and what’s inside – it can cause dangerous mould growth, too. Mould and mildew start growing within 24-48 hours of even the smallest amount of water exposure, and if left longer than two days, the problem can spread far beyond where the…

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Does Insurance Cover Flooded Basements?

flooded basement insurance - ashworth drainage

Insurance can give you peace of mind in case something bad happens to your home. This peace only comes if the insurance actually pays out what you’re owed. Are you sure that your policy will come through when your basement floods?  Most home insurance policies don’t include flood insurance at all unless you specifically have…

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Do You Have To Immediately Replace Water-Damaged Drywall?

water-damaged drywall feature image

In the average home, most walls and ceilings are made with drywall. This is a sheet of gypsum-based plaster kept together by paper. While some types of drywall are made with materials that make it more resistant to water, average drywall can be quite susceptible to damage from even small leaks. Replacing water-damaged drywall is…

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