How to Spot Early Signs of Foundation Problems

Your home is more than just a place to live; it’s an investment and a sanctuary for you and your family. Ensuring its longevity and structural integrity is paramount, which is why detecting early signs of foundation problems is crucial. Ignoring or overlooking these signs can lead to severe damage, costly repairs, and even safety…

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Outdoor Waterproofing: Securing Your Property Against Spring Thaw Leaks

As winter recedes and the spring thaw sets in, homeowners face a new set of challenges in maintaining their property’s integrity. The melting snow and ice, coupled with spring rainfall, can lead to significant water intrusion issues, especially in basements and foundations. Ashworth Drainage, a leader in basement waterproofing and foundation repair services, emphasizes the…

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What Are The Dangers Of Hydrostatic Pressure?

Soil surrounding your homes’ foundation can contain a lot of moisture, and the force of this waterlogged soil is called hydrostatic pressure. It’s one of the leading causes of basement drainage issues. It is the force behind leaks, cracks, and even the bowing of the foundation, but with the proper protection, you can prevent these…

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What Do I Need To Do To Winterize My Window Wells?

Winter is just around the corner, and it’s time to think about preparing your home for the cold weather. You’ve checked the insulation, your HVAC system, the sealing around your windows and doors – but did you remember the window wells?

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How Do Waterproofing Inspections Work?

Waterproofing and drainage problems are not always easy to spot. When these issues are small, they can be almost imperceptible; it isn’t until they become large that the average homeowner notices – think flooded basements, water spots on walls, and damaged items.  A professional, visual inspection can detect these problems before they cause extensive (and…

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What’s So Great About French Drains?

Water isn’t immune to gravity: it always moves to the lowest point. On many properties, that can be the ground around a home. When heavy rains fall or snow begins to melt, all that water can flow through the soil and right up to the foundation walls. One of the ways to stop this water…

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Can The Seller Of A Home Refuse To Make Drainage Repairs?

drainage repair blog - ashworth drainage

Getting a home inspection is one of the wisest decisions a potential home buyer could make. An inspector can find hard-to-see weaknesses in the home’s structure, including those related to water damage and drainage problems.  Some sellers have a “take it or leave it” philosophy when it comes to damage found in an inspection, even…

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Thawing and Freezing: Your Basement/Foundation

snowy house flooded basement flooded yard

Anywhere there’s local problems with geography, builders have to take them into account. Florida’s notorious  sinkholes and hurricanes have to always be factored in. In places like B.C., where it’s very damp, mould is a very big issue. Warm places like Australia, basements aren’t even needed at all because there’s no freezing and thawing cycle that makes…

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Repairing a Wet Basement Without Breaking The Bank

Wet Basement

A wet basement can conjure up images of damaged furniture, ruined flooring, and wading knee-deep through an unexpected torrent of water, but the worst one is what it’ll do to your bank account. For a lot of people, a wet basement usually means an empty savings account or a pile of bills.   That’s not…

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