Wet Basements and Summer: What’s Causing That Moisture?

Wet Summer

Spring has come and gone, and you might say a little prayer of thanks for getting through another very wet season. There’s no more melting snow or April showers, and that’s great! Just don’t sit back and wait for another winter to roll through – you can still run into problems this summer.


Summer is also the best time to take care of these problems, too! While we can do winter work, it’s much easier to go into the soil when it isn’t frozen solid. It also makes it nicer to work outdoors when the weather isn’t -25 C. So what problems might you run into this summer?


1. Moisture Next To The Foundation


You might already know this, being a homeowner in Canada and all, but rain doesn’t stop when spring does. This summer, Ontario is expected to get an above-average amount of rain. While you may have made it through spring, you’re still going to have to deal with summer storms.


Rain is the cause of most the problems you’ll encounter below, but if the remaining of these are dealt with, then you’re mitigating a lot of the problems. But water can still leach into the soil, so make sure your foundation is in good shape and do an inspection of the interior walls of your basement.


Humidity2. Summer Humidity


Humidity can cause condensation problems, and these can lead anyone to believe they have a leaky basement. Ensure the moisture you have isn’t just a result of the humid weather, and if it is, invest in a dehumidifier. Check your dryer vent and other ventilation from the kitchen and bathroom to make sure they’re leading the hot air outside of your home.


While condensation is definitely a better problem to have than a cracked foundation, it can still lead to a mustiness and even mold.


clogged gutters3. Clogged Gutters


Gutters are supposed to lead water away from your foundation, but when they get clogged with leaves, twigs, and other tree ephemera or gunk, they can lead to water getting beside your foundation. The rainwater will spill out over the sides of the gutters, pooling and leaching into the soil around your home, which is pretty much the opposite of what you want your gutters to do.


Before the next rainfall, make sure your gutters are clean. We know it’s an inconvenient chore, but it’s necessary! While you’re at it, see where the water is going out of the pipes. You might need to lengthen the distance your downspouts are taking the water.


4. Leaking Window Wells


Window wells and the pits that surround them can fill with water, leaking through the frame and into the basement and foundation. Any cracks or worn caulking will lead to leaks, causing more damage to the interior.


This is a very common problem for basements, and window wells need proper drainage much like the rest of your foundation. The solution is usually to ramset the wells at the proper level, ensure the excavated areas are filled with one-inch round stone just below grade, install a filter cloth, and relay the ground cover. It’s not a very intensive solution, and it’s one that Ashworth really excels at!


5. Poor Grading


The landscaping around your foundation might be the cause of your summer leaks. Rain should drain away, but when the grading is level, the water won’t drain anywhere, and sit next to your foundation. Do a walk around of your home and check every part of the soil surrounding it.


Poor drainage is a very, very common problem, and as we’ve seen in just about every problem on this list, it’s important to take care of it ASAP! Give us a call if you’ve caught any drainage issues around your home – we’ll find the most effective (and cost-effective) solutions!