What Do I Do If My Basement Floods?

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It’s every homeowner’s nightmare: waking up to a new indoor pool in the lowest level of the house. But instead of swimming and enjoying it, the unlucky homeowner has to spend a ton of time getting rid of the water before it causes lasting damage. If your basement floods and all your personal belongings are…

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What Could Go Wrong With Backyard DIY Flooding Prevention

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Do it yourself flooding prevention, for most of us, is a passing, comedic idea because of the potential danger it involves. All jokes aside, we’ve all probably seen some neighbours doing backyard trench sculpting or DIY landscaping at one time or another. DIY flooding prevention is certainly a case where you don’t want to catch…

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How Sump Pumps Work: The Sump Pump Basics

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Your sump pump is the unsung hero of your dry basement, doing a thankless job so well you might forget that it’s there. If that’s the case, you should probably go down to your basement and give it some kudos – and a safety check! The sump pump has become a fairly common fixture in…

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