What Do I Need To Do To Winterize My Window Wells?

Winter is just around the corner, and it’s time to think about preparing your home for the cold weather. You’ve checked the insulation, your HVAC system, the sealing around your windows and doors – but did you remember the window wells?

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How Do Waterproofing Inspections Work?

Waterproofing and drainage problems are not always easy to spot. When these issues are small, they can be almost imperceptible; it isn’t until they become large that the average homeowner notices – think flooded basements, water spots on walls, and damaged items.  A professional, visual inspection can detect these problems before they cause extensive (and…

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What’s So Great About French Drains?

Water isn’t immune to gravity: it always moves to the lowest point. On many properties, that can be the ground around a home. When heavy rains fall or snow begins to melt, all that water can flow through the soil and right up to the foundation walls. One of the ways to stop this water…

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How Are Waterproofing Membranes Made?

Waterproofing Basement Drainage Basement Parging Ashworth Drainage London Ontario

Keeping a basement dry means keeping moisture off the outside of the concrete foundation. For this, many homeowners turn to a waterproofing membrane. How are these products made and will they stand up to the pressures surrounding your basement?

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All About Bituminous Waterproofing


One important part of foundation repair is the layer of tar we spray on the walls. This common exterior layer is made of a petroleum-based asphalt, sort of like what goes on a roof. It is resistant to moisture penetration, making it very good for repelling moisture that makes it to your concrete foundation and…

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Can You Waterproof A Basement Only From The Inside?

waterproofing outside of house blog - Ashworth Drainage

Some homeowners believe that basements only need to be waterproofed from the inside. They assume that by making the walls tight when finishing the basement, they won’t have to worry about any leakage or drainage problems. This misguided thinking can lead to many problems that extend far beyond just the basement!

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Do You Have To Immediately Replace Water-Damaged Drywall?

water-damaged drywall feature image

In the average home, most walls and ceilings are made with drywall. This is a sheet of gypsum-based plaster kept together by paper. While some types of drywall are made with materials that make it more resistant to water, average drywall can be quite susceptible to damage from even small leaks. Replacing water-damaged drywall is…

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Should You Put Rocks In Your Window Well?

The window well is an important part of the drainage system that protects your basement from moisture leakage. It’s especially important because windows are a common weak point for foundations, and  the barrier around them can wear down over time.  On many, typically older homes, these window wells are defined by a metal or plastic…

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The Different Types Of Epoxy Paste And Crack Filler

epoxy filler, crack filler

Repairing vertical or horizontal cracks in your foundation walls, whether they’re inside your basement or on the outer wall, requires a material that is resistant to sagging and designed to hold up against pressure. It has to have excellent adhesion not just to the concrete, but all kinds of masonry, and even wood and metal.…

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Three Types Of Shower Waterproofing To Protect Your Bathroom

shower waterproofing, waterproof your shower

When a bathroom isn’t properly waterproofed, showers can cause a number of household problems: mold growth, damage to the walls and flooring of the bathroom, and even damage to the structure of the home itself. Good waterproofing prevents all the unavoidable bathroom moisture from getting absorbed into the construction material and damaging it. Whether you’re…

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